Thursday, 27 December 2012


Well well well, how much did Ma and Pa spend on this new chew bone toy they gave me at 'Christmas'. Can't have been much because it was shitty shitty shit.  Whenever I chewed on it, little pieces would fall off. I thought I was supposed to eat these things. Why wouldn't you.

Soooooooooo, anyway, after a restless night I woke up with a sore tummy. Ma and Pa kept asking what was wrong but I could only give them the 'sick eyes' look. They 'monitored' me for a bit and then I went to the comfy rug and started retching.

Mama screamed and Papa shoved me off the rug. Whoa!

I couldn't hold it in anymore and spewed on the floor. It was rank yellow crap...eeeeeew. Dad took me to the bathroom and I chucked in there again too. Oh I felt so much better after that was all out.

I was still feeling a bit poorly so I told them they could go out without me today. They said 'Okay, but you can't have that bone anymore'. No protests from me on that one. Get that 'spew' toy away from me.

They went out, I had a good sleep.

When they came back they had a new present for me - a new winter warm brown hoodie!

I look so fashionable in it. It's brown colour goes with my sexy sable tones.

Check it out:

And how about with me leg out?

Watch out bitches.

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