Friday, 21 March 2014

Turkish Markets Monkey Business

Papa said yesterday was supposed to be the only nice weather for the week. He lied. I got up this morning and it was sunny (not cloudy and rainy like he said) and the weather man said it was 21 degrees again!

I said 'Let's get out there!'

They said no probs, their friends were dog sitting and they had arranged a meet and greet between the dog (Monkey) and me at the Turkish markets.

The thing is, the markets is a bit of a ways away from our place and I said I didn't want to walk all that way. Papa said we could go on the bikes, but that would mean I'd have to go in the bag again - like last years efforts for my one year anniversary in Berlin. I said 'C'mon, its so nice outside, I don't wanna go in the something else out'.

Papa said, okay, I'll hold you and we'll see how that goes. And so he did. It was a bit hairy, but he's a good rider and strong as an ox. It was just a bit uncomfortable and tiring, but LOTS of fun.

Barney the pomeranian goes to the Berlin Turkish markets in Berlin

Before going to the markets, we met up with Monkey at a cafe. It was an awkward first meet...

Barney the pomeranian goes to the Berlin Turkish markets in Berlin

But we gots to chattin' and he was a good we became buds.

Barney the pomeranian goes to the Berlin Turkish markets in Berlin

From the cafe we went to the market and it was SO busy. Far too busy for me and Monkey to walk down the main stall areas, so Papa took us in the middle bit - and we mucked around together for a while.

Barney the pomeranian goes to the Berlin Turkish markets in Berlin

And a while, and a while, waiting for the shoppers to finish. Where the fuck was Mama... Me and Monkey had enough by now.

Barney the pomeranian goes to the Berlin Turkish markets in Berlin

Finally they were all done. We said goodbye to Monkey and his temporary Mama, and headed home. Papa said, okay Barney, how do you want to do this...I got three options 1) hold again, 2) the bag or 3) you can run alongside me.

I thought about it for a moment and decided - Bugger it! a run would be nice.

I didn't factor in that he was on a bike and going quicker than usual. I was stuffed after just one minute.

'You better put me in the bag' I said.

'It will be hot' he said.

'I don't care. I'm tired. I want to go home'.

So he put me in the bag.

Barney the pomeranian goes to the Berlin Turkish markets in Berlin

Another miscalculation on my part. Fuck it got hot in there. And the whole time we were riding home, Papa was saying...'Can you believe it's T-shirt weather already?!'....hmmm, hardly bundled in a black bag weather.
At least we were home in no time. Cool cool home.

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