Monday, 29 December 2014

Christmas snow

Despite the title, NO, we didn't get snow on Christmas day.

But, I had a lovely Christmas thanks for asking. We had a fabulous Schweinebraten for dinner, and then I slept for the next few days - with a few walks in between.

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

The weather has been crap - just cold and grey - so I told Mama and Papa not to bother me until something interesting happens.

Well today it finally fucking snowed properly!

Papa said 'Get your coat on, we are going to make snowmen!'

So we went out and bloody hell it had snowed a lot overnight. Fabulous!

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

All my markings had been washed off the trees, so I had to remark everything again.

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

Did you know that in Germany, sometimes little humans get pulled along by their parents on some wooden transport device? I found this very odd...why don't we have on of these for me?

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

I was running low on groceries so Mama picked some up for me, and Papa and I waited outside.

So nice to be in the snow once again!

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

While we waited I had a chat with some other dog. He didn't seem too happy so we left him alone.

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

With the groceries done we went to the park to play and make snow things.

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

What do you think of my snow-me?

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

Let me tell you it was fucking cold. So I sat out the last of our play session while Mama and Papa kept making snow things.

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

So nice to have snow back again....but also nice to be back at home in the warmth too.

I was knackered...
Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

And so was Mama!

Barney snow in Berlin December 2014

Friday, 5 December 2014

Rocky Christmas Tone

No shitting, its been cold as here this past month. I've been hibernating and just deciding to stay at home.

So I was surprised when Mama and Papa came home today with this huge package. They ran inside and said "Barney Barney, its a package from Auntie Tone and Unkie B"

Fuck yea.

Hand made rocky road Christmas in Berlin

You can tell they love me when it cost 100 bux just to send the package to me. I'm worth it of course.

Hand made rocky road Christmas in Berlin

Papa kept saying the package was a 'sunofafukkenbitch' to open. I don't think that's a German word, might be Japanese but I didn't think he was learning that language.

There was lots of bubble wrap inside...

Hand made rocky road Christmas in Berlin

And once we got through all of that, beautiful hand made rocky road!!!!

Hand made rocky road Christmas in Berlin

How nice does this look eh!

Hand made rocky road Christmas in Berlin

There was a card too, apparently is said I shouldn't eat all the rocky road, but I don't believe it. It's mine and I might share some though.

Hand made rocky road Christmas in Berlin

First the quality assessment....

Hand made rocky road Christmas in Berlin

And then my appraisal. I think you can see that I was rather chuffed. :)

Hand made rocky road Christmas in Berlin

We all got into it straight away...

Hand made rocky road Christmas in Berlin

The little ball things flew all over the floor when Papa opened and cut the chocolate. He used that Japanese word again.

We are all a bit sick at the moment as we have eaten alot of Rocky Road already. Mmmm.

Thanks Auntie Tone and Unkie B, this was a pressie worth coming out of hibernation for :)