Thursday, 1 January 2015

Silvester 2014

I fucking hate New Years Even in Berlin (or Silvester as the locals call it)

From 5pm December 31st until the next morning its just non-stop explosions and fireworks all over the city. Hate hate hate it.

Last year Papa took me for a walk on the Silvester evening to show me that I don't need to be afraid of anything - and a firework exploded under me. Not this year...I said 'Don't you fucking dare make me go outside today!' So they let me stay inside.

But I was so anxious. Pacing through the house and my heart beating uncontrollably fast. I had to have a chamomile tea.

Silvester 2014 Berlin Dog Blog

Silvester 2014 Berlin Dog Blog

The tea helped a bit, but not enough. I also had a 'thunder jacket' on, but that doesn't do shit.

It then didn't help that Mama and Papa fucked off for the rest of the night to go and party without me. I felt so vulnerable.

I spent the night by myself, scared shitless and unable to rest. It was horrible. 

They finally came home, in some wee morning hour. I was so happy to see them and hugged them with such relief.

Silvester 2014 Berlin Dog Blog

The next day, Papa and I went for a walk to survey the damage to the city.

Silvester 2014 Berlin Dog Blog

These Berliners are animals at this time of year. So much rubbish. Unbelievable.

Silvester 2014 Berlin Dog Blog

I was still feeling nervous and there were still fireworks and bombs going off somewhere in our neighbourhood. It's so unsettling for me.

Uncharacteristically for me I really couldn't stand being out and about today and begged to go home. Hopefully these animals run out of their explosives soon and things can get back to normal.

I hate Silvester. I'm glad its over for another year.

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