Sunday, 11 October 2015

Food for thought

I'm fucking outraged.

I know i'm getting older...I can fucking count okay, but the condescending shit they are feeding me? That's just taking the piss.

Usually at meal time I go up to Mama (or sometimes Papa if she won't feed me) and they finally get up and ask me what I want.

It usually goes:
"Okay Barney, you can have Hühn und Gemuse, or Rind mit Fruhlingssalat"...some German shit like that.

This week, faced with too many choice I asked them to lay down the options so I could think it over. They brought out three 'sachets' of food for me to choose from.

Check these insults out...

Food for thought Barney Pomeranian Food choices

So Adult...not so bad...I am eleven after all. I can deal with that. Plus it's 100% Bio Organic they reckon, so Mama and Papa are buying me the good shit. But then Mama said she only bought it because it was on special. The point is...I still remember when I was getting puppy food. Now I'm considered an 'Adult'. Okay...we all grow up.

But then the next choice,

Food for thought Barney Pomeranian Food choices

Vital 10+...what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Vital sounds like life support. I'm still sprightly, fuck your 'vital' shit.

But the last one takes the prize as the most humiliating,

Food for thought Barney Pomeranian Food choices

SENIOR! fucking SENIOR?! and look at that sad mustached fucking almost dead dog in the picture. Outrageous. I can't tell you how pissed off I was to see this. Fuck the senior food, fuck Winston.

I still ate it though....I mean, I still gotta eat right?